A [Type] is way to add a specific meaning to a Model. In contrast to a [Label] a [Type] is specific to one type of Model and cannot have children.
Type vs Label
Even when you think your [Label] will only be used on one type of [Model], it might be a good idea to use a Label instead of a [Type]. This way you can use the Label to group Models together and the Type to add a specific meaning to a Model.
You can also use a Label and a [Type] at the same time, and this is actually a good robuust idea to create powerful hierarchies. Sometimes this way of structuring data will allow for minimal repetition of data.
Remember: you can always change your mind later on!
What is the difference with a [Label]?
- A [Type] is specific for one type of Model.
- A [Label] can be used on all the different kinds of Models.
- A [Label] can have children, a [Type] cannot.
- You actually can have a [Label]
and a [Type]3D
at the same time.
When to use a Type?
- When you do need to create a hierarchy
- When it does not make sense to use the same Type on different kinds of Models. For example:
land line
only makes sense for a [Phone number].