Open Source
This is a list of all the open source packages we use in our ecosystem. We are very grateful for the work of all the developers who have created these packages. We have tried to give credit where credit is due, but if we have missed something please let us know.
Multipass wouldn't be possible without these open-source software, packages and libraries. We will pay it Forward by contributing to these projects as much as we can.
July 2021
- Javascript
- Elastic Search
🙏 Packages
For PHP made by
- babenkoivan
- barryvdh
- bkwld
- conedevelopment
- ddeboer
- facade
- fzaninotto
- fideloper
- flynsarmy
- fruitcake
- graham-campbell
- guzzlehttp
- http-interop
- intervention
- jenssegers
- kabbouchi
- kalnoy
- laravel
- lcobucci
- league
- livewire
- maatwebsite
- mockery
- mpociot
- myclabs
- nunomaduro
- optimistdigital
- orchestra
- pda
- phpoffice
- phpunit
- pusher
- ruler
- sabre
- sentry
- simshaun
- spatie
- sti3bas
- symfony
- vinkla
- webpatser
For JS
- all linters (eslint, commitlint, ...) 🎉
- alpineJS
- axios
- babel
- fortawesome
- popperjs
- tailwind
- bootstrap
- clipboard
- codemirror
- dinero
- emoij regex
- file-saver
- jquery
- js-cookie
- json-loader
- jszip
- katex
- laravel-mix
- lodash
- luxon
- mermaid
- moment
- mousetrap
- postcss
- promise
- prose-mirror
- rrule
- tailwind
- tiptap
- tributejs
- urijs
- v-clipboard
- v-offline
- vee-validate
- vue + packages
- vuetify
- vuex
- xlsx