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In the world of Multipass, a “board” is more than just a task manager; it's a versatile tool for working with data across various Multipass apps. This visual framework empowers you not only to streamline your tasks but also to seamlessly link the different models in a visual way.

A board consists of:

  • Columns or Lists: These represent distinct stages or categories for organizing your data.
  • Rows or Cards: These are individual units that hold and help you manage the information essential for effective data handling.

Creating a New Board

To create a new board in Multipass, follow these simple steps:

  1. In the top menu, navigate to the “Boards” menu item.
  2. A popup menu will appear, displaying a list of all your existing boards.
  3. Click on 'Add New Board' to initiate the creation of a new board.

Stages in Your Board

In Multipass, the columns or lists on your board are referred to as "Stages." When you created your board during the previous step, you had the option to select from a predefined list of stages. These default stages are provided by Multipass.

You have the flexibility to use these stages as they are or customize them to better fit your specific needs. If necessary, you can also create entirely new stages.

Adding or Removing Stages

Once your board is set up, you can easily manage your stages using the Stages field located in the right sidebar.

How to Create a New Stage

To create a new stage, follow these steps:

  1. In the top menu, click on the “Taxonomies” menu item.
  2. A popup menu will appear, displaying a list of all available taxonomies.
  3. Locate and select 'Stages' to open the Stages Taxonomy.
  4. Click the red button located in the lower right corner to initiate the creation of a new stage.
  5. Make sure to provide a unique name for your new stage, and reference it under 'Board' in the list.

Adding Cards

With your stages defined, begin adding cards to your board to make data handling more efficient.

In Multipass, “cards” represent individual items on a “board.” These cards are organized into “columns” or “stages” on the board. To add cards, you must first create a “board stage.” If you haven't added any board stages to your board yet, follow the instructions for creating a board stage.

How to Add a Card

There are two methods to add a card:

  1. Using the + Button: Click the “+” button located in the top right corner of a board stage.

  2. Using the 'Add a Card' Button: Click the “Add a Card” button below the board stage.

A dialog will appear, allowing you to take action. Choose between the following options:

  1. creating a new Note,
  2. or selecting existing items.

1. Add a New Note

This option allows you to create a new note. You can write notes using Markdown language, and we provide some tips for writing effectively:

  • Write your notes as you would in an email or other document.
  • Utilize the icons at the top to format your text.
  • If copying and pasting content from another app like Word or Pages, select “Paste as plain text” to avoid hidden characters.
  • You can reference files or documents on the web or in your cloud storage using hyperlinks.
  • Use a Markdown Cheat Sheet for quick reference.
  • Use the “preview” tab to see your final note before saving.

2. Select Existing Items

In each app, you can select one or more items from the list. You can choose from one or more apps. Clicking “link” will create a separate card for each selected item.

Congratulations, you have successfully added one or more cards to your board! 🎉

These cards can reference Contacts, Persons, Humans, or Sales, and you can customize them using Markdown to meet your needs.

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